Monday, March 21, 2011

livin the dream

Banksy in Hollyword for the Oscars

Friday, November 19, 2010

New favourite.

Actress Rebecca Hall in "1974". First part of the Red Riding Trilogy.

Over the last couple of evenings the Red Riding Trilogy has been playing on SBS. All I can say is wow. I'm inspired again! Inspired enough to write something here for the first time in months.

Friday, May 21, 2010

This is crazy good!

Just watch. Either they have to much time on their hands or they're just too good

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Writing on the wall - Birmingham

Hello again...More than a year ago I was invited by the City of Melbourne to do a short doco on a graffiti artist from the UK, Mohammed Ali (AKA Aerosol Arabic) , mentoring or collaborating we'll call it with 14 muslim women from Melbourne who call themselves Crooked Rib. They produced the most wonderful graffiti in Spark Lane, Melbourne, which I think is still there in it's entirety.
The doco was completed under the title 'Ali and the Crooked Rib' and is now being distributed through the City of Melbourne. If you would like a viewing copy drop me a line at

Sometime around the 14th of January 2010, in the morning I received a phone call in haste from Mohammed Ali, inviting me to come t the UK to film a doco on the production and the event titled 'Writing on the wall'. If I can quote Ben East from The National newspaper, and here is his article in full Spray Something. "Writing on the Wall is Mohammed Ali’s life’s work distilled into one night. Over a seven-year period, he has exhibited his spray can art in locations around the world, including Abu Dhabi. He has also met and collaborated with artists from across the creative spectrum. It’s the culmination of an idea he had four years ago. It wasn't a simple live graffiti event, or a poetry slam with some pretty backgrounds. This is a proper, coherent show. The three poets, Dreadlock Alien, Zena Edwards and Amir Sulaiman, do more than simply present their work – they act it in situ. Meanwhile, there is live percussion and audio snippets as Ali dashes around the warehouse, even jumping onto a cherrypicker, to continue work on his mural. When Edwards begins to sing, too, the emotion is tangible."

I'm currently piecing together a documentary that may go to someway in telling a story of Mohammeds journey to wall. So long for now.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

They're here!

It's been a long time coming but here is the new Jackson Black Films website that has been put together by my resident website guru Mick Morris

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here it is...

Hi all, from
Jackson Black aka Thomas Baricevic and collectively as one under he banner of Jackson Black Films.
Finally I've taken the plunge and entered a new world to me. Blogging. Some of you out there will think that I have too much time on my hands. Yep. Maybe. I don't know. I just wanted a place where I could get my thoughts out and down. So that they stopped swirling round. I've been inspired by reading a recent blog of Aussie filmmaker Glendyn Ivin. Check out his site, some interesting and insightful thoughts about his filmmaking processes. In particular about his first feature 'Last Ride'.

I thought I'd get in here real quick, before the new year and leave something behind of the past. So that it didn't seem like there was no history of 2009 on the blog. 2009 has been!!! a huge year for me and my partner Jess. The birth of our first son, Marlon. Gosh, what an intense experience and what a beautiful little boy. Seeing him evolve from a mute jellybean to a loud and messy jellybean.

Ok. So hopefully something in here, from now on will be of value to someone out there in the big wide world who cares to read.

It's hot today and I think I'm melting whilst writing this.

For those of you in need of inspiration. I recently came across this book by David Lynch 'Catching the Big Fish'. Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity. Take from it what you will if you come across it. But what I will say, he writes in a simple but very effective way. Meditation I'm still contemplating, but his words are inspiring.

There's a feature film brewing on the horizon for me. Filming to take place soon. Stay tuned!

Back soon in 2/10. All the best.